Sunday, January 12, 2014

Our First Wedding Expo

Hello again!

Yesterday Hon and I went to our very first Wedding Expo at the PICC Forum CCP Complex, Pasay City, sponsored by Weddings & Beyond.

Hon and I were setting the budget and couldn't quite complete the computation as we didn't know what the rates for different suppliers were. So we went to the wedding expo just to get some ideas.

We went inside The PICC Forum at 3 in the afternoon and left at 7 in the evening! We didn't even realize what time it was because we were soo busy negotiating with photographers and different suppliers. In the end we ended up booking with two suppliers, one for photo/video and the other for souvenirs. I will not tell you who or what these are as I do not want to spoil the surprise! :)

I just realized that I did not take any photos inside the wedding expo (boo!), there were just too many people! I was worried about Kelvin because I knew how he felt about crowds. He absolutely hates them!

If there are three things that pisses the hell out of Kelvin, those are (1) crowds, (2) hot/humid weather, (3) loud/noisy places. And the PICC Forum had numbers one and three down pat. Five minutes into the event, Kelvin was saying to me, "Hon, I'm trying to control my temper, ang daming tao!"

And boy, there were indeed so many people! Hon and I were just bumping into too many people every other second and it was unsettling. I wasn't that bothered because I was too focused on holding on to the flyers that were slapped into my hands every two seconds. But Hon was just mentally schooling himself not hit or bump back into people (ACCIDENTALLY, of course *wink*wink*).

Let me tell you, I am soo glad there were just three aisles inside The Forum. There were just so many people, so many suppliers, singers, make up artists, models, and cars!

But anyway, what are the things inside a Wedding Expo, you ask? Booths and booths of people offering services from wedding coordination, event styling, reception venues, hair and make-up, mobile bars, catering, cakes, photo/video, flowers, stationery/printing, music/enteratinment, lights and sounds, souvenirs, wedding rings, fireworks, balloons, bridal cars, and gowns.

So there we were, walking the aisles of The PICC Forum; I was struggling to stuff all the flyers and brochures into my folder, shooting questions at photographers and suppliers who I found interesting. And there was Hon, walking behind me, controlling his temper, passing more flyers to me, being completely patient, and giving me a kiss on the shoulder from time to time. I knew how much Hon hated crowds, and for him to go through the entire thing for four hours without a complaint, I think we just reached a milestone. LOL! A few minutes after we left the expo, he said to me, "Hay nako, pasalamat ka mahal kita!

After four hours of shuffling through the crowds, juggling tons of flyers and brochures, and negotiating with suppliers, we finally left the place at around seven in the evening. We then had dinner at Harbour Square, where we recomputed the budget, and then we went home to our respected homes where I sorted the flyers and brochures out. Here are the things I came home with!

If you're also planning your wedding, and you'd like to know how much things cost, let me give you a range of prices. (The cheapest prices are available in Wedding Expos)

Wedding Coordinator - P10,000.00 to P75,000.00
Entourage Styling - P50,000.00 to P95,000.00
Church - P5,000.00 to P30,000.00
Reception - P5,000.00 to P160,000.00
Hair and Make Up - P6,500.00 to P30,000.00
Mobile Bar - P7,000.00 to P20,000.00
Catering - P50,000.00 to P250,000.00
Wedding Cake - P3,500.00 to P30,000.00
Photo/Video - P20,000.00 to P125,000.00
Flowers - P4,000.00 to P60,000
Stationery and Printing - P10,000.00 to P30,000.00
Invitiation - P35.00 to P110.00 per piece
Music - P5,000.00 to P50,000.00
Lights and Sounds - P3,500.00 to P35,000.00
Souvenir - P6,000.00 to P40,000.00
Wedding Rings - P10,000.00 to P100,000.00
Fireworks - P2,500.00 to P38,000.00
Balloons - P250.00 to P6,000.00
Bridal Cars - P3,000.00 to P15,000.00
Wedding Gown - from gowns to packages - P15,000.00 to P150,000.00

So depending on your budget, you can go ahead and celebrate your special day with your loved one and shell out anywhere between P100,000 to about P3,000,000.00

Hon and I have set the budget at P300,000.00. We've been having a bit of a trouble sticking to that budget! LOL

How about you? How's your planning going?


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