Wednesday, April 9, 2014

We've saved the date!

Hey, folks!

It is done. We've finally booked the church and the reception venue! Yay! :) And as usual, we had to go through certain drama before if happened. Haha!

Our original plan was to book the church and venue on the 29th of March, which was a Saturday. So the night before, I told Kelvin to sleep early as we were to have an early day the next day. But the night before Saturday, Kelvin had to go to a company dinner party where he got really drunk he barely was able to get home.

So to make the long story short, Kelvin had a terrible hangover that Saturday and couldn't make it to Batangas. Now, for those of you who know me, I get extremely upset when plans don't fall through. So I was frustrated and mad at Kelvin the whole day of Saturday. 

But not to worry, Kelvin made it up to me by coming to Batangas the next day and he spent the whole day with me and my family. He even came with us to Task Force Kalapati's 40th Anniversary Summer Reunion! :)

So there we were, in Batangas, on a Sunday, a day before Kelvin's birthday. We first went to the church, where the office was apparently closed. But Kelvin and I were with my persuasive mother, so we marched into the church office and requested the obviously pregnant office staff to help us in booking the church on our preferred date. 

The obviously surprised woman graciously assisted us in booking the church, and even informed us that they have not started booking reservations for 2015 yet. But nevertheless, she booked the date for us and gave us a checklist that we will need to furnish the church at least two months before our wedding date.

But wait, I haven’t gotten to the best part yet! When I asked the woman how much the reservation fee was, she told me there was NO RESERVATION fee! And it gets even better! We asked her how much the total fee was, (I was expecting the amount to be range between 8k to 10k), she told me the total fee was Php6,500.00! Oh yeah! Not only was the church important to me and my family, (and now to Kelvin), it was also immensely affordable!

Now on to the reception venue. We drove a few minutes to the venue and spoke to the friendly staff and discussed the reservation process. As usual, the place was lovely and it still had that romantic, serene feel to it.

Here are a few details regarding the reservation:

Total Fee:                     Php 20,000.00 / 6hrs | Php 1,000.00  / succeeding hour
Corkage Fee:                 Php 3,000.00
Whole lechon:                Php 500.00
Reservation Fee:            Php 5,000.00

50% of the total amount to be paid upon contract signing and 50% on the day of the event.

Yay! We’ve done it!

Now we’re back to finding the best photographer/videographer.

And the search continues!


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