Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Quirky Conversations #6

Wedding discussions with Hon...

Me: Hon, sa reception, kung may sayaw kaya? Sasayaw ka?

Kelvin: Me, dance?! CRAP NO!!! *turns away*

Me: *pouts* okay...

Hon then did a double take, turned back and spoke to me in a small voice.

Kelvin: But, baby, if that's what you really want, sige po.

After a few seconds, I saw beads of perspiration pooling on his forehead, and his hands were clammy. Hahahahah!


Hit me up!
Wedding Blog: http://ourroadtothealtar.blogspot.com/
My life's blog: http://www.sentimentsofleng.blogspot.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/elliane.varias
Twitter: https://twitter.com/PlinsesLeng

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